Professional Technology Certification & Training Courses

Angular JS Training

Total Enrolled: 1600+

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AngularJS is an open-source library handled by Google to generate a flexible, easy-to-use framework for web development. It is used for web applications..

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React Native Certification Training

Total Enrolled: 440+

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Get trained to cross-over from being a React web developer to becoming a React Native developer. As a result of the React Native online training certification course..

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React JS Certification Training

Total Enrolled: 677+

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React JS is an open-source library aimed at creating complex UIs with the use of the diffing algorithm. It is a Javascript library made for frontend development and is one.

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Inoduction To Blockchain Certification Training

Total Enrolled: 1200+

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The Introduction to Blockchain certification is designed for professionals to understand the basic concepts, its benefits, applications, and opportunities..

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Python For Beginners Certification Training

Total Enrolled: 800+

Course Fee: Rquest Cost Details


Python is a high-level programming language with an integrated coding approach aimed at creating an easy-to-use, all-purpose efficient platform. Indentation..

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UX Design Certification Training

Total Enrolled: 2000+

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Learn the in-demand tools and skills required to design user-centered products and creatively solve business problems. Build an exceptional portfolio of valuable projects. Land a job in UX design with the help of our career coaches and mentors

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Pathway Global Academy

At Pathway Global, we strive to grow, change, and inspire people by offering custom-designed courses and online training sessions tailor-made for specific topics and students. We want to help boost students' educational foundation from all over the world by creating a more accessible platform of insightful and expert courses.